Mesut ÜSTÜNEL, Berkan BOZDAÐ, Hayrettin GÜMÜÞDAÐ
The aim of this research is to determine the data related to the "Technical-Tactical Examination of high-end Karate Final competitions" and to analyze kumite competitions and to investigate the factors affecting the result. The universe of this study; The sample of elite karate women and men, Karate Permier League 2020 Paris stage consists of all high-level athletes participating in all kumite final competitions. In the research, 10 competitions of 10 male and 10 female elite athletes were analyzed. Karate Permier League competitions is an organization that scores points for the Olympics, where elite athletes compete. The type of the research is a quantitative and retrospective research. As the statistical method and data collection tool, the data obtained by watching the videos downloaded to the computer and with the help of a Microsoft excel page are presented with the table and graphic method. In the study, 10 matches were analyzed. The finalists have applied 11 different techniques to beat their opponents. In competitions, 85% Gyakuzuki Jodan Techniques are used with a maximum of 29%, while Chudan Mawashi-Geri with 54% 18%, Kizami zuki with 39% 13%, Jodan Mawashi back with 31% 10% and Gyaku zuki Chudan techniques followed the fourth and fifth rankings with 30% 10%. It was determined that Mae Geri and Haito Uchi techniques were never used, hand techniques were used in terms of technical categories (Te Waza) 47% and foot techniques (Ashi Waza) were used 53%. . According to the techniques used in terms of winners and losers, the losers used the technique with 53% and the winners with 47%. In the competitions, the highest number of Yuko points was taken 25 times in terms of points. While the ippon score was taken 13 times in the second row, it was determined that the wazaari score was 5 times in the third row. Tactically, direct attacks were carried out 137 times and 13% 10% successful genius attack 70 times 19 and 27% successful. The counterattack was 47 times 12, 26% successful. In terms of duration, the technical preparation times are at least 38 seconds in total and 2.48 minutes in total, and the attacks occur between 1 second and 30 seconds after the start command of the referee, the fight duration of the contestants is between 16 seconds and 46 seconds in total, and the number of fights is at least 7 It has been found to occur 25 times a lot. Result. This study shows that speed and explosive power in karate has been important especially in world standards in recent years. The data obtained as a result of the study was thought to be useful in determining the characteristics of karate competitions and creating specific (specific) training models suitable for the competition. With this study, it is aimed to contribute to the training and competition processes of Turkish Karateta.

Keywords: Karate, Analysis, Competition Analysis

Yapýlan bu araþtýrmanýn amacý “Üst düzey Karate Final müsabakalarýnýn Teknik- Taktik Bakýmdan Ýncelenmesi” ve kumite müsabakalarýnýn analizi ile ilgili verilerin belirlenmesi ve sonucu etkileyen faktörlerin araþtýrýlmasýdýr. Bu çalýþmanýn evreni; elit karate kadýnlar ve erkekler örneklemi ise, Karate Permier Lig 2020 Paris etabý tüm kumite final müsabakalarýna katýlan kadýn erkek tüm üst düzey sporcular oluþturmaktadýr. Araþtýrma da 10 erkek 10 kadýn elit sporcunun 10 adet müsabakasý analiz edilmiþtir. Araþtýrmanýn tipi niceliksel ve retrospektif bir araþtýrmadýr. istatiksel yöntem ve veri toplama aracý olarak bilgisayara indirilen videolarýn izlenerek ve bir Microsoft excel sayfasý yardýmýyla elde edilen veriler tablo ve grafik yöntemi ile sunulmuþtur. Yapýlan çalýþmada 10 maç analiz edildi. Müsabakalarda teknik bakýmýndan en çok %29 ile Gyakuzuki Jodan tekniði kullanýlýrken, ikinci sýrada %18 oran ile Chudan Mawashi-Geri, %13 oran ile Kizami Zuki üçüncü sýrayý takip etmiþtir., Teknik kategorileri bakýmýndan (Te Waza) el tekniklerinin %47, ( Ashi Waza) ayak teknikleri %53 kullanýldýðý tespit edilmiþtir. Müsabakalarda puan bakýmýndan yuko puaný 25 kez, ippon puaný 13 kez, 5 kez de wazaari puaný alýndýðý tespit edilmiþtir. Taktik bakýmdan direkt ataklar %10 baþarýlý, dehai atak dehai atak %27 baþarýlý ve kontraatak %26 baþarýlý olduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Süre bakýmýndan teknik hazýrlýk süreleri toplamda en az 38 saniye en çok 2.48 dakika olarak gerçekleþmekte, ataklar 1 saniye ile en çok 30 saniye arasýnda gerçekleþtiði, müsabýklarýn dövüþ süreleri toplamda 16 saniye ile 46 saniye arasýnda olduðu ve dövüþ sayýsý en az 7 en çok 25 kez gerçekleþtiði tespit edilmiþtir. Sonuç. Bu çalýþma, karatede hýz ve patlayýcý gücün son dönemde özellikle dünya standartlarýnda önemli olduðunu göstermektedir. Çalýþmanýn sonucunda elde edilen verilerin müsabakaya uygun özel antrenman modelleri oluþturmada fayda saðlayacaðý düþünülmüþtür. Bu çalýþma ile Türk Karatesinin eðitim ve müsabaka süreçlerine katký saðlanmasý hedeflenmiþtir. ORCID NO: 0000-0002-1616-8671

Anahtar Kelimeler: Karate, Analiz, Müsabaka Analizi